
Cycling Tips


My name is Sally Tawhai and I am a Physiotherapist. I have the privilege of running a Physiotherapy clinic right next door to WE Cycle in Llandudno Junction. Physiotherapy is perceived as a reactive intervention, something you need to do when you have a problem but I believe that Physiotherapy should be a pro-active service which is why at Peak Physio and Fitness we bring together a team of experts to deliver Personal training, Pilates…

We have just been through “Blue Monday” officially the most depressing day of the year. I can see why this would be the case. The euphoria and early ambition of new year has ebbed away, it is still a week or so until payday and it is bonkers cold out there! However, it doesn’t need to be that way. “Blue Monday” this year could have been in reference to the clear blue sky over head,…

Why not take up cycling this year to help your fitness levels reach their peak. It is no surprise that we are seeing a lot of people in the shop at the moment who are full of vim and vigour, keen to make 2020 the year that they get fitter. We want to be here to support everyone, and at this time of year we are especially focussed on those who have set themselves a…